Contact Ohio Tree Farm

The term "tree farm" brings many images to mind. The links below can help you better understand what the Tree Farm ProgramTM is all about. In short, it is about the best possible management of forestland.

Before contacting the Ohio Tree Farm Program, it would be helpful to read the information below.

What the Ohio Tree Farm Program IS ...

Simply put, the Tree Farm program is about sustainable forest management.Over 60 years ago it was recognized that the American private forestland owner holds one of the most valuable renewable natural resources in the world. Despite this value, there was not much being done to help these families manage their woodlands.

The Tree Farm Program was formed in 1941 to teach and encourage better forest management and to recognize those who practice good stewardship.

The FOUR areas of focus on well-managed Tree Farms are:

  • Wood production
  • Wildlife habitat
  • Water quality
  • Recreation

When a forest is properly taken care of, it will improve the quality of all four of these objectives at the same time. Every Tree Farmer prioritizes these objectives differently, but they all are part of their management plans.

Program Offerings:

The Tree Farm program in Ohio publishes The Ohio Woodland Journal, recognizes the State's Outstanding Tree Farmer of The Year, hosts the annual Tree Farm Tour, and holds the Annual Tree Farm Luncheon. Additionally, the Tree Farm program participates in many educational activities throughout the State each year. Tree Farm's Inspecting Foresters volunteer to help re-inspect the State's Certified Tree Farmer to update management plans and verify they continue to meet the American Tree Farm System Standards of Sustainability.

What the Ohio Tree Farm Program IS NOT ...

We receive many inquires about other tree-related questions that are not a part of the Tree Farm Program. The TWO most common misdirected questions are those regarding Christmas tree production and nursery trees.

For Christmas trees, consider contacting the Ohio Christmas Tree Association.

There are 2 types of nurseries:

Seedling nurseries produce small seedlings, mostly for reforestation purposes. Ohio Department of Natural Resources – Division of Forestry is Ohio's largest producer of bare root seedlings.

Other nurseries produce trees for landscaping purposes. The Ohio Green Industry Association is an organization representing these types of nurseries.

Others contact the Tree Farm Program expecting that this will give them a property tax reduction. While Tree Farm properties may qualify for property tax reduction programs, there is no relationship between the Tree Farm Program and property taxes. To learn more about the Ohio Forest Tax Law, visit the Ohio Division of Forestry website. With questions concerning the state's CAUV program, contact your county auditor.

Becoming an Ohio Tree Farmer

The basic requirements to become a Tree Farmer are that you have 10 acres of managed forestland and a qualifying forestry management plan. An Inspecting Forester can help you determine if your property qualifies for Tree Farm Certification.

Inspecting Foresters include Service Foresters, Private Consulting Foresters, Soil and Water Conservation District Foresters, and Industry Foresters. While the Tree Farm inspection process is done on a volunteer basis, certain foresters may charge for other services, such as developing a management plan.

The Ohio Tree Farm Committee is also continuing to develop the Tree Farm Mentoring Program. The first on-the-ground contact in response to your request may come from a fellow private woodland owner. [link to TF Mentor page]Tree Farm Mentors[/link] are Tree Farmers who have been involved with the program and have gone through the Mentor training course. They can help new potential Tree Farmers get started on developing a management plan.

If you are interested in becoming a Tree Farmer, contact: Adam Beichler Program Administrator (330) 749-4040. Your information will be passed along to either a Tree Farm mentor or Inspecting Forester who will contact you for a possible visit.

Contact the Ohio Tree Farm Program:

General Email:

Program Administrator:
Adam Beichler
Tel: 330-749-4040

Ohio Woodland Journal Editor:
Don Karas
Tel: 614-265-6706

Area Chair Map and Contact Information

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Ohio Forestry Association